SuperStar Cities: The Benefits of Talent and Capital
by Osman Parvez
A few months ago, a friend shared an article with me that contained an idea with unusually strong potential to impact long term property values in our region. If you’re reading this blog, you’re probably already familiar with the typical things that drive real estate. Read on, this particular trend deserves your attention.
Why do some cities have higher real estate values than others? According to one study, it’s driven by (a) the scarcity of housing units, (b) the growing number of high income families in the United States, and (c) the fact that high-income families have been willing to outbid lower-income families for scarce housing in preferred locations.
But it turns out there’s more to the story. It’s also about the increasing mobility of Americans, creativity, capital, and expected migration trends in the future. Wealth and creativity have clustered in the United States and the clustering is one of the most overlooked factors in understanding real estate trends. When Richard Florida first wrote about The Rise of the Creative Class he probably didn’t realize how significant this impact would become.
In Where the Brains Are, Florida writes,
What’s behind this phenomenon? Some of the reasons for it are essentially aesthetic—many of the means metros are beautiful, energizing, and fun to live in. But there is another reason, rooted in economics: increasingly, the most talented and ambitious people need to live in a means metro in order to realize their full economic value.
The physical proximity of talented, highly educated people has a powerful effect on innovation and economic growth—in fact, the Nobel Prize–winning economist Robert Lucas declared the multiplier effects that stem from talent clustering to be the primary determinant of growth. That’s all the more true in a postindustrial economy dependent on creativity, intellectual property, and high-tech innovation.
So why do people come here? They come for the sunshine. They come for the outdoor recreation. They come for the quality of life. And they come for jobs that help them reach their fullest potential. Many end up creating jobs. As these factors multiply, there’s potential for it to build on itself, allowing our region to enjoy continued economic prosperity. If the authors of the studies and articles mentioned above are right, the future is bright indeed.
The charts below show the distribution of college graduates in 1970 and 2000. 30 years ago, college grads were much more evenly distributed. Today, they’re clustered in select areas. Look closely. Our region is among the most dense in college graduates.
credits: Richard Florida, Joseph Gyourko, Christopher Mayer, and Todd Sinai.
hat tip: R.Carson
image: Dawn Endico
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Osman was a refreshingly honest realtor. He stressed through the entire process that his goal was to make me happy with my home purchase. I greatly appreciated the fact that he never shied away from pointing out the negatives as well as the pluses of different places while leaving the final decision up to me.
We can highly recommend Sophie. Her attention to detail and communication skills are great. Our home was in area that most realtors are not familiar with, but Sophie took extra time to get to know the neighborhood in order to give us quality service. She also brought in a professional photographer to make our home look its best. Even though the listing was in winter, the house sold quickly. With Sophie’s business and people skills, we have no doubt she will be a top realtor in the area.
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More about the author
Osman Parvez
Owner & Broker at House Einstein as well as primary author of the House Einstein blog with over 1,200 published articles about Boulder real estate. His work has appeared in the Wall Street Journal and Daily Camera.
Osman is the primary author of the House Einstein blog with over 1,200 published articles about Boulder real estate. His work has also appeared in many other blogs about Boulder as well as mainstream newspapers, including the Wall Street Journal and Daily Camera. Learn more about Osman.
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