Adverse Possession Brouhaha
by Osman Parvez ---- The comments I've gotten from on the adverse possession of private land by two legal eagles (see Gimme! A Legal Land Grab) has been startling. This issue really sparks a reaction. Although I can't share their off the record comments, some laced with colorful metaphors, here's a few snippets from letters to the editor of the Daily Camera: November 12: "Gaining ownership under adverse possession can only happen when titled owners exhibit an uninterrupted disregard for another's use of their property for many years." November 14: "Bob Greenlee's column on adverse possession (Nov. 4) was a [...]
Gimme! A Legal Land Grab in Boulder
by Osman Parvez ---- Recently, a judge granted a trespassing Boulder couple ownership of land backing open space. The takers of the land are a former judge and lawyer couple. Obviously, they know the law. Seeing the owner's intent to build, they filed an action to possess the land and maintain their access. According to the defendants, this wasn't about access to open space. It was really about protecting their views. The plaintiff's were given a portion of the land, possibly rendering the full lot unbuildable. The previous owners value the lot (and their loss) at $800,000 to $1,000,000. What's [...]
Boulder Sites You Should Visit
by Osman Parvez ---- Here's a few Boulder blogs and websites that recently caught my eye. I think they're worth a look. Boulder Going Local: A campaign to help build community self-sufficiency and strengthen our local economy. The campaign promotes buying local, eating local, growing local, using local energy, and even a local currency. Boulder Cone Zones: A continually updated list of improvements being undertaken to Boulder's transportation infrastructure. The site includes a map of cone zones. You can also sign up for alerts via email. Martin Acres Life: A blog by Alfred Sawatzky on his experiences in Martin Acres, [...]
The Washington Village Petition
by Osman Parvez ---- They're everywhere. On street corners waving signs, canvassing neighborhoods door to door. Their goal? Collect enough signatures to force a referendum on the Washington Village development. If you're a reader of this blog or participate in a neighborhood email list (highly recommended), you've already heard some of the debate. On Sunday, the developer was granted an audience via an opinion piece in the Daily Camera. I've already presented the views of the neighborhood association. Here's what Jim Leach thinks (an excerpt, trimmed): These neighbors ask you to sign in order to "allow the people to be [...]
Solar Powered (Commercial) Property Workshop
by Osman Parvez ---- Ready to convert your Boulder business to solar? This Tuesday, Nov. 13 the City is offering an informational workshop on solar electricity for commercial facilities. The Office of Environmental Affairs (OEA) is hosting the workshop from 7:30 to 9 a.m. at the Boulder Chamber of Commerce (2440 Pearl St). This free workshop will review the main aspects of installing solar systems in businesses. "With increasing energy prices and concern about climate change, many businesses are trying to decide if solar electricity is a wise investment for their facility," said Kevin Afflerbaurh, city of Boulder energy sustainability [...]
Bite into Boulder. Mmm!
by Osman Parvez ---- For just a week, 40 of Boulder's top restaurants are offering a special three course $26 prix fixe dinner menu. What an opportunity to check out the finest dining in Boulder. Menus and other links are below. Visit the website for more details. It runs through November 9th. 14th Street Bar & Grill 444-5854 Map Menu 4580 448-1500 Map Menu Reserve Online Aji 442-3464 Map Menu Alba 938-8800 Map Menu Reserve Online Bacaro Venetian Taverna 444-4888 Map Menu Reserve Online Black Cat 444-9110 Map Menu Reserve Online Bombay Bistro 444-4721 Map Menu Boulder ChopHouse & Tavern [...]
You Can Fight City Hall
by Osman Parvez ---- Sharp eyed readers probably caught this picture in my recent slide show from the Farmer's Market. As you probably already know, the folks organizing against the Washington Village Cohousing Project have stepped up their efforts. That's right, in the face of City Council's ruling to allow the development, the neighborhood group is attempting to gather enough signatures to have a referendum on the matter. From the Washington Neighborhood Association: On October 23rd, 2007 the Boulder, Colorado City Council voted 7 to 1 (Crystal Gray, opposed) in favor of decimating the site of our neighborhood's most treasured [...]
The Peloton – Inside Scoop!
by Osman Parvez ---- The Peloton hosted an open house on Friday celebrating the grand opening of a community building. As I mentioned in my last post, a $100,000 incentive was also being offered. That sounded like a big discount. So on behalf our clients and you loyal readers of this blog, I sent a top operative from Realty Unique to investigate... me. I toured the facility, sampled the catering, and chatted with the sales people. Here's what I found... Wait. First, I should mention that I didn't really know what to expect. Like you, I've seen and heard the [...]
Peloton – Save $100K?
by Osman Parvez ---- Hmm... the Peloton is offering a $100K discount on condos. Ah, but today only. Seems I was right to hold off on that Vespa. I'm going to try to swing by the sales office to hear their pitch. Frankly, with this promotion not to mention the advertising saturation, it doesn't seem like the Peloton is selling so well. This latest push, assuming it's true, also seems like quite the smack in the face to buyers who already put their deposits down at full price. It reminds me of Steve Jobs recent marketing goof when he dropped [...]
Burning Down the House
by Osman Parvez ---- Last year, there were 1.6 million fires reported in the United States. Although it always seems to happen to someone else, it's a real danger. Over 300 people died in fires during 2006. And just like lightning, it can strike twice. Yesterday there was a fire at Gold Run in Boulder. Again. You could say I have some familiarity with Gold Run. Years ago, I lived there for a Summer. It's located centrally and in close proximity to the university. The units are nicely situated and all are a little different from one another. It's right [...]
What’s Next for Washington Village
by Osman Parvez ---- Now that the developer has conditional approval, what's next for the project? It seems a push for sales given an upcoming deadline for closing. From the Daily Camera: There are still details to be figured out. The City Council approved the project on the condition that Leach wait to develop two of the single-family housing lots to give the city — or another buyer — a chance to purchase them and convert them into park space. Leach said he's hoping neighbors — many of whom opposed the project — will urge the city to find the [...]
Does this Roof Look Right? VOTE!
by Osman Parvez ---- A roof is an expensive item to replace. A neighbor recently had his replaced and wasn't pleased with the results. He's looking for some feedback. If you have a moment, please take a look at the photos and vote in the poll at the bottom of this post. If you have anything else to share, feel free to leave a comment as well. This is what he wrote on our neighborhood email list: -------------- We had a new roof put on our house and garage this Monday and Tuesday. The workers and bosses didn't inspire much [...]
Restaurant Review: Nepali Cuisine
by Osman Parvez ---- Dining in South Boulder (SoBo) is pretty good. There are a half dozen decent restaurants, all within walking distance. Already good, your options just got even better. Introducing Nepali Cuisine. Tucked away on a side street off Table Mesa drive, the restaurant sits inside an unimposing office building, nestled among accounting firms and other small businesses. As we walked to the door, a white plastic banner flapped in the October breeze, announcing last month's grand opening. With friends giving it enthusiastic thumbs-up, I was hopeful. And boy were we glad we went! And I grew up [...]
Changes to Green Points Workshop
by Osman Parvez ---- Considering a scrape-off, remodel, or new construction project in Boulder? There's a upcoming workshop you should attend for proposed changes to the Green Points program and building codes. What: Workshop on changes to building codes and green points When: 2 to 4 pm, October 23, 2007 Where: East Boulder Community Center (5660 Sioux Drive) Proposed Changes effective: January, 2008 Proposed changes include three mandatory measures: 1. New, tiered energy efficiency thresholds above 2006 International Energy Conservation Code (IECC) for new construction 2. A home energy audit of the existing structure and the installation of compact fluorescent [...]
Crispin Porter + Bogusky. Rock On!
by Osman Parvez ---- CP+B (a.k.a "the Craziest Ad Guys in America"), were recently granted a $100K rebate by the City of Boulder in sales and use taxes, development reviews, and building permit fees. You may recall CP+B from my last post on the company: Why Boulder? What caught my eye from the press release is that the company, which started the Boulder office only 15 months ago, has grown its local presence to 270 employees. They opened the office with only 40 people (including the partners, who own homes here by the way). That means they're been hiring [...]