Booming Market
by Osman Parvez Today's Daily Camera had a great article about this Summer's housing market. From January to September 05 the median single family home (not condo/town home) in Boulder sold for $519K, representing nearly a 10% gain from 2004. The $357,500 figure quoted in the article includes attached dwellings. --- Like this analysis? Subscribe to my research. Ready to buy or sell? Click HERE to schedule an appointment or call 303.746.6896.As always, your referrals are deeply appreciated. The ideas and strategies described in this blog are the opinion of the writer and subject to [...]
Boulder Maps
by Osman Parvez Here's a link to useful maps covering the Boulder area. Of particular interest are the rental housing and neighborhood maps. I've added this link to the permanent collection in the sidebar. --- Like this analysis? Subscribe to my research. Ready to buy or sell? Click HERE to schedule an appointment or call 303.746.6896.As always, your referrals are deeply appreciated. The ideas and strategies described in this blog are the opinion of the writer and subject to business, economic, and competitive uncertainties. We strongly recommend conducting rigorous due diligence and obtaining professional [...]
Boulder Real Estate Sales Analysis
by Osman Parvez Okay, fair enough. Inventory levels are down year after year. "What about the demand side, what about sales," you might ask? Understand, that the number of homes sold (single family homes in the City of Boulder) tends to vary more dramatically than the number of homes in inventory in any given month. This is true both month to month and year to year. However, a trend can still be teased from the chart below. Despite having greater dollar volume, 2005 trailed 2004 in the number of homes sold, except in February, March, and August. In some cases, [...]
Oops, Maybe Not a Bubble Everywhere
by Osman Parvez Looks like the New York Times is finally catching on. No Virginia, it's not a bubble everywhere! If you don't happen to live in Boston, New York, Washington DC, or anywhere along the California coastline it may actually be cheaper to buy a home now than twenty years ago. That's in real dollar terms (the terms that matter). I believe the "widespread sense" that buying a home more expensive is misguided. Alas, for the most part I expect to see an up-tick in sensationalized "bubble bursting carnage" stories from the mainstream media in the coming months. Meanwhile, [...]