
Bring on the Sun

by Osman Parvez ---- Beginning today, a revised statue goes into effect extending and clarifying your rights to install renewable energy devices in Colorado, even in HOA governed communities. A previous law from the 1970's applying to solar panels has been extended to wind generators. Most interestingly, the new law defines "energy efficiency structures" that cannot be banned outright by HOAs, including Awnings, shutters, trellis, ramadas, or other shade structures. A garage or attic fan and any associated vents or louvers An evaporative cooler ("swamp cooler") An energy-efficient outdoor lighting system such as those that use fluorescent bulbs, solar recharging [...]

August 6, 2008|Uncategorized|

The Housing Bill

by Osman Parvez ---- Today, you're no doubt hearing that President Bush signed the housing bailout bill into law. I have mixed feelings. On one hand, institutions that backstop half of the nation's mortgages are at risk for collapse. On the other, markets tend to work better without government manipulation, even when the efforts are to protect institutions supposedly "too big to fail." Ultimately, it's the taxpayers who foot the bill and from what I've read, this one is a blank check - limited only by the new national debt ceiling. In addition to helping prop up Fanny and Freddy, [...]

July 30, 2008|Uncategorized|
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