Due Diligence

Sunshine, Daydream. A Few Thoughts on Decks

by Osman Parvez There's nothing like a deck.    It's a place to hang out with family and friends, share a meal, and enjoy the sunshine.   A well designed Colorado home almost always includes outdoor living spaces and beautifully transitions between indoor and outdoor.   I've helped a lot of buyers over the years, and I've learned a few things about decks.    Here's a couple of things to consider when you're shopping.   1.  Colored Composites Colors are cool but they may not go all the way through.  I took this photo at my client's new Toll Brothers [...]

September 15, 2014|Due Diligence|

Understanding the Marijuana Market in Colorado [Analyze This]

by Osman Parvez Dude, where's my tax revenue?  Eight months have passed since recreational Marijuana became legal in Colorado.  It's a big deal for our state and local economy.  It has cultural impacts.  The rest of the country is watching. future tax revenue? Today, the majority of Americans favor legalization1  but medical marijuana is legal in only 23 states.  Recreational pot is legit only Colorado and Washington state (map).      Implementation is already being called a success2 and despite the hoopla, Colorado has not become the Amsterdam of the Rocky Mountain region.  Sure, you catch the occasional whiff of pungent [...]

August 29, 2014|Due Diligence|

Hey, My Buddy is a Roofer…

by Osman Parvez The moment we stepped into the backyard, I saw it.    My buyers didn't notice but I sure did.     At some point, the current (or previous) homeowner decided it was time for a new roof but didn't want to pay the additional expense to remove the old one.   It's not uncommon to see multiple shingle layers in Boulder, but have you ever seen composite shingles installed over shake shingle?   It's not easy being green Now you have.   Something tells me this installation wasn't to code.  Check out the moss and rot! My [...]

August 11, 2014|Due Diligence, University Hill|

Seriously, Get a Radon Test [Due Diligence]

by Osman Parvez This is a vacuum gauge showing the radon mitigation system is functioning.  These are the radon test results from the same house.  Due diligence tip:  Just because the radon fan is generating vacuum doesn't mean the system is actually working.      The EPA recommends mitigation for radon levels above 4.0 pCi/L.   This house has radon levels of 9.5 pCi/L.    You can have your inspector test the radon level or you can buy a radon tester that you leave plugged to continuously monitor radon levels (with an alarm) for about the same cost.   Either [...]

May 10, 2014|Due Diligence|

Thursday’s Real Estate Meetup Agenda [Join Us]

Just a reminder.  Our meetup begins at 6:00 pm tomorrow.    RSVP HERE. Venue We're meeting at the Riverside, a beautifully renovated historic building featuring a restaurant, cafe, co-working space, and event center.     The Riverside is a sponsor of our meetup, donating the space.    If you bump into Mitchell Magdovitz at the event, please let him know how much we appreciate it. The Riverside is located at 1724 Broadway (Broadway and Arapahoe), next to the Conoco gas station. Parking Parking can be a little challenging, so please consider allowing a few extra minutes. The nearest parking is located directly across the [...]

January 22, 2014|Due Diligence|

Nuisance Patrol [Due Diligence]

by Osman Parvez --- Walking around a condo Boulder condo complex this morning, I came across a notice posted on the door.    Take a look.  The notice reminded me that due diligence isn't over at the end of the day.   A night time visit is also highly recommended.   It's likely the owners of units inside buildings 6 and 7 didn't know the motion activated security lights shone on their bedroom windows.  Perhaps it would have influenced their purchase decision.   I'll add a night time visit to my collection of due diligence tips.     By the [...]

November 9, 2013|Due Diligence|

Carbon Monoxide Alarms – Now Required

by Osman Parvez ---- The real estate contracts update class I took this morning was pretty good. There are loads of changes in the Commission approved contracts. Here's one you should know: By law, residential property owners must install carbon monoxide alarms prior to offering the property for sale. From the Exclusive Right to Sell Listing Contract (effective July 1, 2009): 18.2.3. Carbon Monoxide Alarms. Note: If the improvements on the Property have a fuel-fired heater or appliance, a fireplace, or an attached garage and one or more rooms lawfully used for sleeping purposes (Bedroom), Seller understands that Colorado law [...]

June 15, 2009|Due Diligence|

Due Diligence – Don’t Rush It

by Osman Parvez ---- In business, "due diligence" describes an essential process of investigation. It starts with a basic checklist of items, information is uncovered and as the process continues, due diligence often becomes extensive. If you're considering a real estate transaction, proper and complete due diligence can save you a lot of heartache and money. You don't need a finance or law degree to do it. It doesn't even have to cost a lot. But to do it well, you shouldn't rush it. On this blog, you may have noticed that I occasionally tag posts with the "due diligence" [...]

June 12, 2009|Due Diligence|

First Appraisal Mayhem, Now Rate Spike

by Osman Parvez ---- At Realty Unique, we've been dealing with tight appraisals since early May because of the Home Valuation Code of Conduct.  Although we haven't lost a deal due on appraisal, we've heard of a few deals in Boulder falling apart due to it.   If you're in the market, it's something you need to be aware of.  Mish (a bearish blogger I enjoy reading) also has a good piece out today on the double barrel impact of higher rates and tight appraisals, including some quotes from market players.   It's worth taking a few minutes to read Mortgage [...]

June 11, 2009|Due Diligence|

Buy on Value, Not Price

by Osman Parvez ---- You worked hard for your money.  Here's how to get the most value from your choice of real estate. A long, long time ago...  I was in middle school and we were taking a mandatory home economics class.   It was different from the rest of our classes.   In "home ec," we learned practical stuff like how to safely use a stove and operate a sewing machine.  It was information that, at the time, I admit to thinking was a little useless (typical 13 year old boy).     One day, we were given a [...]

June 8, 2009|Due Diligence|

Podcast: What You Should Know About Sewer Line Replacement

by Osman Parvez ---- If you're buying a house in Boulder, be sure to get your sewer line inspected. Root intrusion is quite common and full replacement is expensive. Many homeowners schedule a rooter visit annually because putting it off can result in a more serious repair down the road. But even with annual visits, one day you may find out that a rooter won't be enough... When I researched a solution to this issue for my own house, I discovered sewer liners were a new and more cost effective alternative to complete replacement. We had the work done about [...]

March 9, 2009|Due Diligence|

Flood for Thought – The South Boulder Creek Floodplain

by Osman Parvez ---- If you live in Boulder, you've probably grown accustomed to sirens blaring at 10am on the first Monday of every month. They are part of an emergency warning system, in place to alert listeners of a flash flood. Recently, the Daily Camera ran a story proclaiming that Boulder is the number one flood risk community in Colorado. In August of 2007, the city completed the South Boulder Creek Flood Mapping Study. It places over 1,100 buildings and structures within a 100-year floodplain (i.e. there is a 1% chance of a flood of this magnitude occurring each [...]

August 7, 2008|Due Diligence|

Would You Be My Neighbor?

by Osman Parvez ---- When our clients are getting serious about a house, we advise them to walk the neighborhood, knock on doors, and see what else they can learn. Sometimes we'll even accompany them. Why? Because neighborhood assessment is an important part of buyer due diligence. An hour or so walking your future neighborhood and talking to the people who live there will often reveal details about why a property is for sale, its history, and many important characteristics about the neighborhood. You might learn who has the loud dog or how long it takes to walk to public [...]

May 14, 2008|Due Diligence|

Before You Buy, Check for Meth

by Osman Parvez ---- What would you do if you found out your home was once a Meth lab and never cleaned up? Some recent home buyers are facing that unsettling question. From CBS4: As part of a year-long investigation, CBS4 News has obtained, through open records requests, governmental lists of properties that contained methamphetamine labs that were never cleaned up. CBS4 Investigator Rick Sallinger found people living in homes that may still be contaminated with meth. Governmental agencies failed to inform them, and unscrupulous homeowners sold the properties without warning the buyers. There are hundreds, maybe even thousands of [...]

May 6, 2008|Due Diligence|

7 Reasons to Love the Post Housing Bubble

by Osman Parvez ---- "It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness..." - Charles Dickens, A Tale of Two Cities There's a silver lining to the housing bubble. Sure, it's less sensational than upside down borrowers being tempted to walk away from their mortgages. It's clearly less sensational than what Britney or her sister are up to. But guess what? It's information you can use. Here's 7 reasons you should love the (post) housing bubble. 1. Fewer speculators. Get rich quick schemes are no [...]

January 30, 2008|Due Diligence|

Welcome to House Einstein

Locations, Due Diligence, Negotiation


We can highly recommend Sophie. Her attention to detail and communication skills are great. Our home was in area that most realtors are not familiar with, but Sophie took extra time to get to know the neighborhood in order to give us quality service. She also brought in a professional photographer to make our home look its best. Even though the listing was in winter, the house sold quickly. With Sophie’s business and people skills, we have no doubt she will be a top realtor in the area.

Osman was a refreshingly honest realtor. He stressed through the entire process that his goal was to make me happy with my home purchase. I greatly appreciated the fact that he never shied away from pointing out the negatives as well as the pluses of different places while leaving the final decision up to me.

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