Lower Chautauqua

889 14th Street [Notable Sale]

BOULDER NOTABLE SALE: 889 14th Street| $1.43M  Why Is It Notable?  When this home first hit the market in 2018 (no, that's not a typo), it was a train wreck. Not only was the interior a maze, but there was a tenant who didn't really want us in the property, and the jungle gym two-story deck in the back was falling apart. It was offered at the close-your-eyes and make-a-wish price of $1.5M. Naturally, it just stagnated on the market. We saw it at least twice with clients. Both times, they ran screaming. In October 2019, it finally sold for the bargain basement price of $862K or 43% below the [...]

January 13, 2021|Lower Chautauqua, Notable Sale|
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